Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Snacking at Night and Teeth Damage

Do you like snacking at night? Better reduce that habit. According to the researchers of Copenhagen University, Denmark, snacking at night could cause serious damage to teeth.

The leader of the research Dr Jennifer Lundgren analysed recorded medical 2,217 Danish residents. Totalling 173 (8%) from them be classed as liked to eat at night, that's consume a quarter or more calorie their daily after eating dinner or they got up in the middle of the night at least twice in a week to snacking.

After six years, the Lundgren team recorded what happened to them. Results, they that liked snacking at night lost more teeth. The researchers said the saliva tended to dry up tonight. In fact, the saliva was needed to throw leftovers in the mouth away. Lundgren and his team then suggested to the dentists to send the risks to their patient.

"Practisioner must realise the implications of the habit ate night, increased scans, and efforts of teeth as well as the mouth of health education in the lover's circle ngemil tonight," he said. (EP/BBC News/X-9)

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