Wednesday, June 30, 2010

The weight and Sperm

The heavy weight body tended to have fewer sperm if compared with the man with the normal weight. This results of the study was released in the journal of Fertility and Sterility

"There were strong relations between the heavy weight as well as obesity and the sperm change parameter," said the leader of this research, Dr Ahmad O Hammoud from the Utah University, Salt Lake City, the USA. 

The obesity have the potentiality damaged of the man fertility, said the researchers, whereas the increase in excessive fat could reduce the production of testosterone and increased the production of oestrogen in the man's body. 

To study how the index of the body mass affect the quality of sperm, they researched 390 men who underwent the maintenance of the fertility with their couple for the period two years. 

Totalling 24% the man had heavy normal, whereas 43% had the weight surplus, and 33% obesity. From this research was found, the fat man only had a third of the weighing number of the man's sperm with normal body. "Apart from the quantity, there was the possibility that the weight and the pile of  fat could be affect in the  sperm quality" said Hammoud. (*/Xinhua/X-8)

Parents of the Smoker, the Weight and the Behaviour of the Child

Two separated results of the research concluded the existence of relations between the habit smoked parents and the weight and the behaviour of the child. 

The team of researcher from the Hong Kongese University delouse the impact of  father with smoked habit with the physical condition 7,924 children in Hong Kong that was born in 1997. Results, the  father with smoke habit  evidently made the child weight surplus in the age of seven till 11 years. 

In the other part, the team of the researcher from England and Brazil carried out the study against 509 children in Brazil and 6,375 children in England. They found children who were born from the mother's uterus that had the habit smoked when being pregnant tended to have the aggressive attitude and to like to cause trouble. 

Vice Chairman Tim Winickoff denied the myth that mentioned the smoked habit could make someone thinner. On the other hand, smoked could trigger the fat dump in the hip part and the stomach. The theory was valid also against the passive smoker, including children that often flattest the cigarette smoke. 

He added, the mother's body was pregnant that be fond of smoked could not become the filter for the embryo. As a result, the child in the flattest potential uterus dangerous cigarettes poison. (HealthDay News/Mps/X-5)

Tuesday, June 29, 2010

TheReligious Adolescent more Appreciated the Virginity

The adolescent with not more religious  faster lost his virginity if compared with the religious adolescent. That results of the research that was published recently. 

Janet Rosenbaum, the doctor from the Public Health School of John Hopkins Bloomberg, stated they who have the background of the strong religion usually just were active sexually in the age 21 years. 

The research showed that maintaining the virginity was not free from the sexual habit of adolescent that was did sexual relations outside married. Also was expressed that many of them who had the first time sexual relationship did not like used savety (the condom). They who never to the church too much have not appreciated the meaning of the virginity, explained Rosenbaum. 

On the whole, the religious adolescent more realised the importance of maintaining the virginity than who not religious adolescent. 

In general the religious adolescent also had sex slower three years when compared with the standard of the adolescent in the United States. 

The same research studied about the adolescent who lost the virginity and did not yet marry around the age 20 years up to 23 years. On average 'they were not attracted by the marriage', he said. (*/FOXNews/X-6)

Forecasted the Age of Menopause

In moment a women could predict how many they entered the age of menopause. The results of study against 266 women in Iran opened the possibility for the forecast of the occurrence of menopause via the grating of the level of AMH hormone. 
This is for the first time the scientists looked relations between the AMH level  of the daughter's adolescent and the menopause in elderly.
If being proven in the further research, women could prepare before being married. The AMH hormone controlled the development of follicles of the developing ovaries cell of the place ovaries. 
The team from Shahid Beheshti University of Medical Sciences in Tehran, Iran, researched the sample of blood and checked physical 266 age women 20 to 49 years. While their 12 years carried out the estimation of the age of menopause of each woman was based on the AMH level in blood mathematically. 
At least 63 patients who achieved menopause while the research showed the consistent existence between the prediction of the age and the age of menopause in fact. "These results could facilitate the doctor to value the status reproduction of the female patient with more realistic," said the chairman of the team of the researcher Dr Fahimeh Ramezani Tehrani. (*/BBC/X-7)

Monday, June 28, 2010

Intelctuality and The Form of The Body

Results of the new research showed the existence of the connection between intellectuality and the form of  body for someone. The team of the researcher from Virginian Commonwealth University (VCU) concluded, the clever person having the form of the body that was more symmetrical than them who were not cleverer. 

The symmetrical body could be known with measured of long and wide the body part that teamed up, left and right like finger-finger, foot, and the hands. "As far as this is concerned, the cognitive capacity  of someone was known had tight to the health and the performance of the work relationship" said the chairman of the team of George Banks. 

The Banks team tested 14 results of the previous research that involved 1,900 people concerning form relations of the body and intelligence. Results, the IQ evidently had tight relationship to the health, the death opportunity, and fitness comprehensively. 

"This important proof fitness relations and intelligence." These results triggered the idea of the correlation between intelligence and the form of the symmetrical body, added Banks. (HealthDay News/Mps/X-4)

Snacking and Weight

The hobby snacking evidently did not make an adolescent experience obesity. On the other hand, the research that was carried out by Food and Nutrition Database Research Inc in the USA expressed the adolescent that not be fond of snacking tended to have the excessive weight. 

The research that was carried out against 5,800 adolescents concluded the rate of general increase in the weight, especially in the stomach part, was the opposite of the number of snacks that they ate each day. 

Totalling 39% youth that admitted to not having the habit of snacking precisely experienced the problem of the weight. On the other hand 60% youth that had the habit of snacking tended to not face the problem of the weight or obesity. 

However, the chairman of the team of the researcher Dr Debra R Keast stated the findings did not prove the habit of snacking could help the adolescent to control their weight. However, was needed by the continuous research that only was not shaped like a survey to reply the question displayed the matter of the connection between the habit of snacking and the weight of someone. 

According to Keast, that must be done by parents was to push their children to eat the snack that was healthy like the fruit and luxuriant vegetables, dry, the biscuit just like fibre, and low milk products fat. (Reuters/Mps/X-5)

Friday, June 25, 2010

Tips to Stopped the Smoke Habit

IF you planned to stop the habit smoked in the this Year, the Association of the United States lungs recommended a series tips how stopped and prepared all the matters to make these efforts successful. 

Firstly, discussed with the doctor or the medical staff. Afterwards chose the date to begin stopped. Try to get in that the level condition of stress was lowest. 

Afterwards marked in the calendar, drink many the pure water, and sleep enough. The support from family, friend, or partner was also very important in this case. 

"Be careful, usually the smoker has the different experience when they stopped," said Norman Edelman, The Chief Of Medis Association Lungs of United States. 

According to him, several people felt the headache, nervous, in fact very angry, but all the feelings were normal and only remained for several weeks. In the long run they could pass it. (* / health daynews/X-7)

Insomnia and Edication

A study revealed the rest quality of the troops's US who suffered the migraine after being assigned in Iraq to be able to be cured through therapy. The diagnosis of migraine haunted at least 19% the personnel of the 'Country' military 'Uncle Sam' and 17% other that still was suspected  they were upon returning after assigned from the Middle East country.

The complication could result in bad towards the sleep capacity  of troops's member. Nevertheless, the team of the expert Madigan Army Medical Center in Tacoma believed therapy could like the edication restore insomnia. 

"This research had a purpose saw whether migraine recuperation and insomnia could improve the quality of posttrauma sleep of patients of the headache sufferer," said Dr Cong Zhi Zhao. "After beginning therapy, the quality of subject sleep was enough to improve significantly." Only, from time to time they still experienced the bad dream and the disturbance of sleep. 

On the other hand, President American Headache Society (AHS) Dr David Dodick said the factor was difficult to sleep disrupted the troops's US capacity in activity after coming home from the battlefield. (HealthDay News/Yahoo/*/X-5)

Thursday, June 24, 2010

The Spiritual Support and The Capability to Learn

The TEACHER with the feeling of high self-confidence playing an active role in increasing the language capability and  script for preschool children. Moreover, the teacher must also play the emotional support in their classes. 

Several experts researched 67 tutors plus 328 pupils for 30 weeks. The educator's staff filled up the question to measure the level of the soundness himself in taught. The observer was in the class monitored the mentor supporting the pupil spiritually. 

The capacity test spoke with the skill wrote and read was given to children in the beginning and the research end. Results of the examination of the student who had the teacher have an appearance the 'effectiveness himself' high was proven improved. The measurement of the preschool age was the capacity to identify a letter of a page. Nevertheless, the progress in the vocabulary only happened to children who also got the emotional support. 

"The relations between the teacher and the pupil that mutually responsive could give the effect was positive towards the studying capacity of the child," explained Ying Guo, the researcher from Ohio State University.

The certificate taught and the experience taught was the factor that helped the effectiveness of a teacher. (* / HealthDay News/Yahoo/X-4)

The Religion, Genetic, and Abuse of Alcohol

ALTHOUGH the genetic factor pushed abuse of alcohol, the adolescent who got religious education since small potential low to become the drunkard. On the other hand, became religious in the mature age, not was significant immediately could prevent from the disturbance to consume the addictive substance was abundant. 

"The study showed genetic factors could affectingthe problem of the using alcohol in the religious adolescent," explained Tanya MM Button from the Colorado University. Button concluded, basically the influential religion was strong enough towards the behaviour of religious people. That could cancel the genetic trend someone. 

"However, the same thing was not current for them who stepped on the mature age," stated Button. The "genetic influence in this age was just the same in each level of religiosity." This study was published in the Alcoholism research journal: Clinical & Experimental Research

The study involved twins's more than 1,400 couples as participants, both twins fraternal and identical, the man and the woman, in adolescence and of age. (HealthDay News/Yahoo/*/X-5)

Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Botox Injection Disrupted Emotions

The news was not good for the users of botox injection that uptil now was worn eliminated wrinkles on the face so as to appear to stay young. The study of the Emotion journal the edition in June showed the injecting of the substance antiaging that evidently could weaken the overflowing of your affection. 

The team of the expert from the Barnard Campus, New York, found botox only did not eliminate face wrinkles, but also eliminated emotions of someone. 

"They who followed the procedure botox injection was threatened with experiencing temporary paralysis to veins of the face". That was caused by paralysis of the muscle could block the face expression. Meaning that, feedback of the brain censor at the same time of movement motorik was hindered, explained Joshua Davis, the professor of psychology knowledge from the Barnard Campus.

Arthur Glenberg, the professor in UW-Madison, also said botox resulted in the intensity of emotions and the emotional understanding capacity someone was disturbed. Botox was the abbreviation of botulinum toxin, one of the substances was most poisonous. However, tren the beauty industry offered the package botox injection as the bypass eliminated wrinkles on the face. (* / HealthDay News/X-8)

The Dove is The Bacterial Bearer

Results of the newest research in Spain found dove birds at least carried two kinds insects of illness germs. For birds, the bacteria did not endanger, but could threaten the health of human.

"The animal that berhabitat close to the community's residence could become the dangerous pathogen warehouse," explained the management of the Fernando Esperon study from the Centre of Health Research  Fauna in Madrid.

From his research, against 118 birds that were caught in Madrid, 52.6% brought two species of bedbugs, that is chlamydophila psittaci and campylobacter jejuni. According to Esperon, affected humankind the infection chlamydophila psittaci the sign was initially seen like common flu that could have a point in pneumonia, whereas campylobacter jenuni was one of the main causes of acute diarrhoea all over the world.

"This data better become the foundation of consideration for controlling population of dove birds in urban areas," said the team of the researcher in the Acta Veterinaria Scandinavica Journal. (Reuters Life/*/X-5)

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Depression and the Feeling Hurt

WHEN you was hurt, tried to continue to relax. Because depression only made the feeling of being sick be felt worse. Was like this the research findings of Dr Chantal Berna from the Oxford University, England. 

The Berna research combined two contradictory thinkings, that is that believed in the feeling of being sick was in our head and that memercayai the feeling of being sick was only felt the body. 

To see how the feeling was sick and depression could mutually contact, Berna and the team tested the participants with the feeling test was sick that showed the sad feeling. 

Expressed that the atmosphere of the heart that was pressed by appearance affect the nerves circuit of the brain that was connected with emotions so as to cause the perception that was stronger towards the feeling of being sick. "When participants were made sad with thoughts of the negative as well as sad music, we found their brain processed the feeling of being sick more emotional so as to make them felt more was tortured," explained Berna. 

The Berna team theorised that the capacity someone controlled emotions of the negative that was linked with the feeling of being sick was affected by depression. The result found when the feeling was sick attacked, his effect was felt bigger. (HealthDay News/EP/X-5)

Don't Underestimate Anaemic

Anaemia, that in Greek means without blood, was a situation during the number of red blood cells or haemoglobin (protein of the oxygen bearer) was below normal. That made blood could not carry oxygen in the number in accordance with that was needed the body. 

According to the Centre of Health Information of the US Woman, several types of anaemia could be prevented. Several methods that could be carried out to prevent anaemia among them consuming food just like iron like green vegetables, red meat, the legume, and bread.

Avoided manner consume tea or coffee at the same time  when eating because the two drink kinds could absorb iron that was received by you from food. Consuming vitamin C, B12, and acid folat that was enough also to be able to help you to be freest from anaemia. (HealthDay/Mps/X-5)

Monday, June 21, 2010

The Person's Opinion and the Choice of the Couple

In the matter of chose the couple, the person's opinion that was not known by us evidently really affect the decision. That was proven in the Skyler Place research from the Department of Psycology Science and the Brain of Universitas Indiana, USA.

Place asked from students 40 boys and 40 girls  witnessed the video that put forward eight sessions of the date of lightning between a man and the woman. The researchers afterwards measured interest-in participants in the study against the man or the woman in these videos.

The results participants for man interest in against the woman in the video increased after witnessing this recorder, they interest were increasingly strong if the man in the appearance video was attracted by the woman and was regarded as same or more handsome than themselves. The similar matter was also shown by participants in the woman against the man in the video.

"We possibly thought about looking for the couple was the process that better be carried separately out," said Place. "However, humankind also considered the person's other preference in making the process of the search more efficient," he continued.

The friend's opinion and the family, said Place, clearly also were regarded as important. "It was startling, we showed (the opinion) people who in no way were known also to be influential." (HealthDay News/EP/X-5) 

The Woman was more Sensitive to Stress

According to the previous research, the woman was more potential experienced depression and stress compared with the man. A new study said that was connected with the biological problem. The study of Rita Valentino, the nerves scientist in the Philadelphia Children's Hospital, the USA, found the female mouse more sensitive and not all that could adapt against rose and the fall of the level of the stress hormone had a name corticotropin-releasing factor (CRF).

The Valentino study focussed on CRF, the hormone that was produced in the brain as the response to stress, both to humankind and the mouse. Valentino and the team analysed mouse brains when they reacted to the stress test. They found to female mice neurons had the receptor for CRF that was tied tighter to the hormone so as more was responsive to CRF. 

Moreover, after stress, male mice had the response adaptif that was acknowledged as internalisation to their brain cells. Their cells reduced the number of CRF receptors and to not all that was responsive to this hormone. To the female mouse, the adaptation did not happen. 

Because the mouse nervous system had several similarities with humankind, the research could have implications against humankind although stress to humankind was more complex. (Livescience/EP/X-5) 

Friday, June 18, 2010

The Good action could spread

Saw the person doing favour could push us did the same thing. It the conclusion of the study of Simone Schnall from the Cambridge University, England. 

Previous researches showed when we saw the other person did a favour, we were inspired to do that was same. Schnall and the team asked 36 students to watch one from three videos, namely the clip from the The Oprah Winfrey Show agenda, the documentary film concerning the environment, or the comedy video. The Oprah video showed musicians who were grateful to their former teachers.

One instructor pretended to be able to not take off one computer file  that was needed by participants to complete the test. So when he invited participants to leave the room, but before going out they were asked to fill up the other research questionnaire. If prepared filled, they could stop whenever. 

Evidently, they who witnessed the Oprah video completing the questionnaire in time twice were longer compared with participants who saw the documentary film or the comedy video. They who claimed felt '"motivated and was enthusiastic" after witnessing the same video more tended to help the instructor. (EP/Livescience/X-8)

In the Affair of Love the Man's more Suffer

Some of us believed the man was more relaxed in facing the love affair. But, a study showed in fact Adam's group was more susceptible to the impact of the fluctuation in a love relations compared with the women.

Robin Simon from the Wake Forest University and Anne Barrett from the University of Florida USA, analysed the results survey of 1,611 men and the woman was 18-23 years old. Initially, Simon and Barrett found the woman tended to experience depression when breaking up. However when being seen by the impact of relations on the mental health, his situation was topsy-turvy. The man was more potential was wounded in a manner emotions by the pressure from not harmonious love relations.

According to Simon, love relations for the man were the only source of the nearness that was owned by him with someone. On the other hand the women had various kinds of nearness relations, for example the association of the friendship of the female peer. (EP / HealthDay News/X-8)

Thursday, June 17, 2010

The friend one School and the Achievement

Had many friends of one school was believed in could affect the achievement studied the adolescent. A research that involved 629 class students 12 (3 senior high schools) in Los Angeles, the USA, found the pupil who had more friends of one school received the value in general higher compared with them that many friends outside the school.

"That was caused by the friend of one school tended to be oriented towards the achievement and to support the activity" of the "school that was same including in studying." Moreover they were in one same environment, said Melissa R Witkow, the assistant professor of psychology knowledge in the Willamette University

Nevertheless, he added, not meant friends outside the school was unimportant. "Important friendships in satisfying the social requirement" for the adolescent, and they always did not have a bad for the achievement of the school impact" said Witkow.

The study was carried out with the questionnaire and the data concerning the activity of the students, as the length studied and socialising with the friend outside and one school. (EP / HealthDay News/X-8) 

The life of Sex and Obesity

There are other reason why we must control the weight, that's also maintain the life of sex stayed good. According to a new research in France, obesity was connected with the decline in the activity of sex and the bad sexual health.

The leader of the Nathalie Bajos research from London School of hygiene and Tropical Medicine believed in the impact of obesity on the sexual life bigger in the women's circle. "Because of the social pressure or the social stigma, the overweight woman propensity smaller to have sexual relationship" said Bajos.

The Bajos study used the data from 12 thousand people more in France. As many as 411 women and 350 men were categorised by obesity. Results of the study showed, the overweight man propensity 2.5 fold times were bigger experienced dysfunction erection compared with that weighed the normal body. As for the woman below 30 overweight years often did not use contraception medicine so as more opportune experienced pregnancy was not planned. (EP / HealthDay News/X-8)

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Snacking at Night and Teeth Damage

Do you like snacking at night? Better reduce that habit. According to the researchers of Copenhagen University, Denmark, snacking at night could cause serious damage to teeth.

The leader of the research Dr Jennifer Lundgren analysed recorded medical 2,217 Danish residents. Totalling 173 (8%) from them be classed as liked to eat at night, that's consume a quarter or more calorie their daily after eating dinner or they got up in the middle of the night at least twice in a week to snacking.

After six years, the Lundgren team recorded what happened to them. Results, they that liked snacking at night lost more teeth. The researchers said the saliva tended to dry up tonight. In fact, the saliva was needed to throw leftovers in the mouth away. Lundgren and his team then suggested to the dentists to send the risks to their patient.

"Practisioner must realise the implications of the habit ate night, increased scans, and efforts of teeth as well as the mouth of health education in the lover's circle ngemil tonight," he said. (EP/BBC News/X-9)

Food and Cataracts

There was several healthy food kinds that could fortify us from the illness of the cataracts eyes. But, there were also certain medicines that precisely increased the risk was attacked by the cause illness of the blindness. The fact was expressed in two studies was separated that was spread out in the USA. 

The first study, the research into 1,808 women that consumed of food just like vitamins and the mineral, showed they had an opportunity smaller was attacked by cataracts. "Results" of "this study indicated healthy food... related stronger with the low level" of the "case" of "cataracts," obviously the leader of the research of Julie A Mares from the Wisconsin University. 

The second study that was commanded by Dr Barbara EK Klein from the same university found the medicine that increased the sensitivity against the sun rays including the antidepressant, the diuretic, antibiotik, and demulcent the feeling of sick naproxen sodium enlarged, the risk was attacked by cataracts.

The research on 4,926 people for 15 years concluded the interaction between the medicine and the explanation of the sun rays was linked with cataracts. This medicine was expected could affect the eyes as in the case of skin.  (EP/HealthDay News/X-8)